So I realized I never posted about my 2nd half marathon... its not because it was meaningless and not because I didn't do well... I was just plain lazy about posting to my lovely blog. Therefore... I am posting this super late.

The good news: I set a new PR!
The bad news: I was sore for a week because of the ridiculous hills! My hamstrings were on fire!

I started the same way I started my first half... saying all along, I would pace myself, follow a pacer, speed up at the end if possible... and then, getting to the starting line and going as fast as a I can... until I get tired and slow down. I still set a PR with a time of

2:12:21 (10:07 pace)
Maybe next time, I will stick to my plan.. somehow I doubt it.. I just get so excited at the beginning and run my little heart out... This race was pretty awesome because it was a ladies race.. a few men did sign up, but it was mainly women. The course was out and back so you got to see everyone in the race some where along the course. My good friend also ran the race, she was running her first half marathon, and we both had a great time. We run at different paces but enjoyed the pre-race jitters and the post-race festivities together. The hills were pretty terrible and my hamstrings were on fire for quite some time after the race. The were really up and down rolling hills rather than slowly increasing ones.. so there was little "flat" ground on the whole course. I am glad I completed a second half marathon.. but I think I'll be waiting until next spring to do another one. I need a break on the long runs. But I have achieved one of my year goals... :)

pre-race! (where was my flash?)